The Wildflowers

  • Michelle


    Birth Doula
    Placenta Encapsulation Specialist

    I grew up in North Delta and now live in Langley with my husband, our two children and our giant dog, Ziggy.

    My path to providing doula support for others began simultaneously with my first pregnancy 10 years ago, and was paved by the births of my children. I intuitively chose midwifery care and home birth for myself and my babies, and this deep knowing led to two of the most incredibly powerful and transformative events of my life.

    Since then, I have had the privilege to learn from the doula wisdom of both Whapio (The Matrona), and Lesley Everest (MotherWit). My true education, though, has come to me by sitting at the feet of birthing people. I have attended over 100 births and counting, and every single one that I witness teaches me something new. Truly, my schooling will never end.

    I am excited to share that I have finished my training with IPPA and am now offering placenta encapsulation services!

  • Steph


    Certified Breastfeeding Specialist


    I am an Ontario transplant who now lives on an egg farm in the Fraser Valley with my husband, our two kids, two dogs & two cats. I have always been drawn to everything pregnancy, birth and babies. I was a doula before I even knew what a doula was 15 years ago when I was invited to be a part of a friend’s birth. Since then, I have given birth to three babies of my own, finished my B.A. in Psychology from UBC, and completed a handful of different doula and birth-related trainings.

    In my practice as a doula, I draw on my own personal experiences with pregnancy, loss and birth, my trainings, and the wisdom I have acquired from the over 115 births I have attended to provide individualized support to each family. I love birth work as I get to be a forever student and learner! I have had the honour of attending births of all types ranging from unplanned HBAC (Home Birth After Cesarean) to planned cesarean, and everything in between. I am forever grateful to each family who invites me to be a part of their birthing journey.

    My current focus is on running the daily operations behind the scenes here at WFBC, teaching prenatal education classes alongside Michelle with My Powerful Birth and working to become an IBCLC with the amazing support of my mentors Katy at Simply Nourish and Tracey at By Your Side Lactation.

  • Daynah

    Postpartum Doula


    My family is originally from India, but I was born in Dubai and immigrated to Canada in 1996. I grew up in Richmond and moved to Vancouver in my 20’s, and am currently living in Langley with my husband, our two kids, and our dog.

    The vision that I would one day be helping women postpartum came to me after the birth of my second child. We had done a lot to prepare not only for the arrival of our baby, but also for the window of time I would spend healing from the birth. This lent to a vastly different experience compared to the birth of my first child. With a few simple, yet profound changes put in place, I stepped into my role as a mother of two with considerably more strength and made what I considered to be a holistic recovery from my births. The key ingredients that supported me during my recovery and paved the way for this transformation were plenty of rest, nourishing foods, and the presence of loving individuals. By making provisions that allowed for the time and space for me to slow down and heal, I stepped into a place of empowerment that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. I remember being cocooned in my room the days following my son’s birth, hoping that one day I could share these practices that had such a strong impact on me, with others.

    Now as a certified postpartum doula, I use a calming presence and nurturing approach to provide a range of services to families after birth. From baby care, to cooking nourishing meals and offering words of encouragement, I hope to help keep balance in the home and set families up to bond and enjoy these first few days and weeks with their new baby.

  • Berkley

    Postpartum Doula
    Certified Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST)


    I had the great privilege to grow up with my younger brother on the North Shore as well as in Sechelt, BC. My husband Sean and I moved to South Surrey in 2015 and have 3 beautiful boys Haiden (age 7) and twins Beckham and Sawyer (age 3).

    My journey towards birth work has not been direct, although there have been a lot of hints along the way that have led to where I am today. The biggest inspiration being that during each of my pregnancies and births I was surrounded by incredible women who were patient, who listened to me and taught me so much about trusting my instincts and to speak up for myself. As a woman and mother these things haven’t come easily to me, and having that support has changed the trajectory of my life. My births or postpartum periods were NOT ideal or easy. There are things I have left undone, regrets about choices I’ve made, lessons I wish I had heeded. Each of these experiences have led me to where I am today. A fierce advocate for myself and my family.

    Last year I started doing postpartum work and I have loved being a part of many families’ early days. But felt like I was arriving late to the game. I knew I could do more to support from the early days of pregnancy through birth and beyond. I have been blessed to have Michelle and Stephanie take me on as a birth mentee. Allowing me to participate and experience births with the support of very seasoned doulas. To truly understand all of the ways I can be of service to families. Learning along with you so that I can support you, your choices and your family the way I do for mine.

On the value of doulas…

The development of prenatal testing and standardized care has contributed to making birth physically safer, but what our current medical model of birth fails to address is emotional and mental safety. One of the costs of this reality, is that as many as one in three people describe their experience of birth as being traumatic. Our industrialized model of care is not set up to acknowledge the complex and individual psychosocial and emotional needs of birthing people, which is why labour support is so essential. As doulas we are able to fill in these gaps left by the medical system. Our intention as doulas is to walk with pregnant families as they navigate their own autonomous birth journey. We believe birth can and should be both safe and satisfying, and that it is the right of each unique birthing family to determine what feels safe for them. We want to get to the heart of what each family truly desires from their birth experience, as we know it will become one of their most significant and lasting memories. The way people are treated in their pregnancy and birth journeys has implications not only for the well-being of the birther and their family, but for society as a whole. This is why we are so passionate about the work we do!


Team Trainings & Credentials

The Matrona Certified Holistic Birth Doulas

Wise Woman Birth & Postpartum Doula

MotherWit Postpartum Doula

DONA Birth & Postpartum Doulas

Butterfly Baby Loss & Grief Doulas

CPR-C Certified

Certified Breastfeeding Specialist

Spinning Babies Trained

Evidence Based Birth Courses

Supporting Neonatal Resucitation


Past Board Members of the BC Doula Services Association

Current members of the BC Doula Services Association

DAFGP Approved Doulas